Thursday 8 May 2008

being bad

what a moduel, iv never know any thing like it; topics on dugs mastibation and bad comedians. its been a veryintresting moduel with some topics slightly boring lke bandits. i would recommened the moduel to fellow students as it is intresting and different from any other moduel at uni.

well thats it the end of a moduel.

till next time

Wednesday 7 May 2008

bad comedians

all people have a different taste in comedians some like people like roy chubby brown others hate him, some people say his jokes are racist, anti gay. these are just isses that people think aout and are affraid to speak about,

its a joke and may offend people but joke do that they mock people, weather it be a blond an Irish, a jewish or a disabled person. jokes are made all the time they arent ment to be a permanent issult and its not some ones oppinion.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Prostitution- Rape Or Not

Prostitution is the oldest proffession known to man. prostitutes go back centurys.

Prostitution is big business for some people, usually u will find that a pro has got a pimp who take a cut of her earnings,

However we are seening people being brought in to the counrty illegal and being force in to prostitution, punters still pay fro these services but they do not know that they have been force in to selling there body.

Now the government planns on making thses people rapists, with there new campaign

"Walk in a punter, walk out a rapist"

the government hope that is will cut down the amount of people using prostitutes, it is illegal to curb crawl(propositioning a woman)

Monday 5 May 2008


there are two types of drugs, legal and illegal, both make millions each year.

illegal drugs are brought in to the country in many different ways, by drugs mules, in animals, in ormiments and now they are attaching then to boats for then to drag in to the county.

Illegal drugs bring harm to all those involved weather it be the user, the dealer or the mule.

the user- risks of overdosing, getting a dirty batch or getting addicted, once addicted they start to lose control stealing things to pay for the drugs. Then its the family who suffer twith there child becoming a drug addict stealing from them, and not being the same person and in some cases having to bury them.

the mule, often forced in to bringing drugs in, either to pay of a debt of to et ome extra cash. mule usually swollow the drugs or plug then, in some extrem case woman have brest implants which are heroin inside. if coaught it is the mule who faces prison not the dealer.

the dealer- the dealers two bigest probems are the police and other dealers, the poilce are trying to get drugs off the streets and the dealers was each others patches, if dealers clash it usually ends up with one of them being attacked of killed.

where these dealers live it also affects there neibours liek me!

the drugs empire is massive depending upon the scle of their operation.

Monday 14 April 2008

Female Genital Mutilation

When it comes to body modification this is the most objected, there are three different tyes of female circumcision,

The removal of the tip of the clitoris;

Total removal of the clitoris and surrounding labia;

The removal of the clitoris and labia and the sewing up of the vagina, leaving only a small opening for urine and menstrual blood - a process known as infibulation.(bbc website posted at the bottom)

this process happens in some parts of Asia and Africa, they rearly just anasthetic or sterile equipmnet, it is often the kitchen siccors a razor and in some cases a piece of broken glass.

this process is seen done on girls as young as three and in some cases girls die from this operation.

it is iligal in some parts of the world inclding the UK, it is seen as a reglious and clean process to go through.

if you ask me its some people who want to be butchers.

Thursday 10 April 2008

Cheating, Why

Many People have been cheated on by their partners.

So why do people cheat on their parteners and why use pathetic excuses:

I was drunk

I make a mistake

It didnt mean any thing

SO why are we a nation of cheaters, is it the thrill of getting caught or just greed, people have always cheated and always will.

It is not just something that happens in lower class society. more and more celebritys are cheating on the partners, Wayne rooney, Asley cole, and one of the most famous cheating scandles was with US president Bill Clinton.

Tuesday 8 April 2008

Cigarettes, should they be sold under the counter.

Recently in the media it has reported that the government are making plans to sell tobacco and cigarettes under the counter.

Why? So children will not be encouraged to buy them as they can not see them.

But is it not trying to make people feel ashamed that they smoke, making them buy things from under the counter like some dirty porn. Is this not just another government policy to restrict the way people can live.

what will be the next restiction on our already limited lives due to government control.