Thursday 10 April 2008

Cheating, Why

Many People have been cheated on by their partners.

So why do people cheat on their parteners and why use pathetic excuses:

I was drunk

I make a mistake

It didnt mean any thing

SO why are we a nation of cheaters, is it the thrill of getting caught or just greed, people have always cheated and always will.

It is not just something that happens in lower class society. more and more celebritys are cheating on the partners, Wayne rooney, Asley cole, and one of the most famous cheating scandles was with US president Bill Clinton.


venessa said...

I agree that infidelity is not just for the 'lower' classes. I'm sure it is (and always has been) the sport of kings! Its only people at that end who can afford to get divorced. Look at Paul Macartney. Poor people being excluded from something else! We can't just move to our other house in the country!

*SaraH* said...

I think infidelity is something that happens all over the world whether lower, middle or upper class.

Nowadays the divorce rate in the UK is higher than ever and I believe a lot of this is down to infidelity and the obvious of young people rushing into marriage.

I think people cheat for many reasons, none of which are excuseable.

Do you agree with the saying once a cheat always a cheat? Thoughts on this would be interesting.