Tuesday 26 February 2008


Shoplifting is it serious or not,

well it is still a criminal offence but is it as bad as stealing from and old lady. The answer is no, in my opinion; yes it is wrong but is not the most serious of crimes.

Shoplifing has hit an all time high with goods reaching £205 million being stolen from shops last year this in up on pervious years.


But who does suffer in the end the retailers or us the general public.

Well i would say us the general public because retailers have to get their money back some how, and that way is increasing prices.


Jeni f said...

I agree that obviously Shoplifting is not like the mugging of an old lady, however is often assossiated with the same types of people, drug addicts.Im not saying that all shoplifting offeces have been committed by drug addicts but I'd put money on it being a fair few.All they get when they are caught is a slap on the wrists and sent back on the street to go and mug a vulnerable person!I think it should be taken more seriously by the law and organisations!

Retro chik said...

I completely agree that shoplifting isn't as serious as mugging an old lady or breaking into someone's house with a knife. At the end of the day, you are not traumatising a person or causing them to live in fear and paranoia.
But isn't that the reason why people shoplift in the first place?? Because the item they are buying is over priced, so they steal an exrta item or two??? So if the prices continue to raise due to items going missing, wouldn't that encourage more and more people to shoplift???

CatherineHall said...

I believe stealing is a serious offence because how a person comes to having a thought wave of stealing something, (which they are aware of as an act of breaking the law) is a sure sign of something ethically wrong.

I believe that in any case whether a person gets hurt or not, the crime that accounts the most; is the ethical code that everyone mutually accepts when they live within a society of morals, virtues and law; which exist to keep society within boundaries.

Perhaps if the majority of individuals were utilitarian (the greatest good for the greatest number) less people would steal, prices in shops would decline, taxes would decrease and products would be easier to afford, therefore; less need to steal.
Although, Immanuel Kant would disagree with the utilitarian view and would argue his categorical imperative. Kant would argue that a hypothetical moral system cannot persuade moral action neither can it be equally distributed because the system is too reliant on one-sided considerations.

Li3y88 said...

I agree that shoplifting is worse than mugging an old lady, personally i think that this is more serious than stealing from a shop because its a more personal approach that would harm the old lady.
I totally agree that if prices of items were cheaper, then there be a decrease in crime. But maybe it's the thought of not getting caught that makes these people shoplift all the more??? Knowing that they can get away with it??

Teleka said...
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Jess said...

I completely disagree with many of the comments left above. Shoplifting is as serious as muggings. I work in a shop where the amount of shoplifters that we get is much higher than the average.I have personally had to deal with various shoplifters, this has resulted in verbal and physical assault to myself. I have been threatened, I have been followed home, I've had one customer make a move to hit me and mounds and mounds of verbal abuse.I can tell you now, there's nothing petty and nice about shoplifters as was suggested in a few comments, they are criminals, prepared to go to any length it takes to get the goods they want.

chris said...

I agree, with your view...a guy taking a sandwich from Greggs is hardly as serious as putting a gun to someones head.

Teleka said...

I do not think shoplifting is 'serious' but I do think it is wrong. But it is not serious when we compare it to mugging an old lady as she is very vulnerable and it damages her heath in some cases it leads to death (very serious).
Retailers should have the necessary security in place in order to prevent this type of crime and work alongside the police. Retailers have CCTV for a reason the main purpose is to use it for evidence.
Retailers can claim for compensation so yes I certainly agree we the public end up suffering for a crime we never committed by paying for it.